Sunday, January 04, 2009

December 13th: Balmorhea, TX.

Balmorhea State Park in Balmorhea, TX., was a disappointment for any birder. We saw one coot in the small restored section of the park among some reeds and a tiny little bird we couldn't identify at the time. At the lake, we saw a Great Blue Heron and a Belted Kingfisher. Coming back through Balmorhea on SH 17 from Fort Davis on the 22nd, my uncle spotted a Ringed Kingfisher by the road.

The Buffalo Trails Boy Scout Ranch Road (FM 1832 according to Google) was more promising. There's a juvenile Golden Eagle that staked out a territory at SH17 and FM 1832. We also saw various small birds, a bevy of Scaled Quail, two Prairie Falcons, Western Meadowlarks, and mule deer.

On FM1832, one can see and hear birds. We stopped and Uncle John recorded the birds singing.

Birds Singing Along FM 1832.


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