Saturday, November 11, 2006

Myth Creation

Given that few societies and cultures survive intact more than 1500 years in the West, what myths will we need to create for our children? As an example, there are radioactive coyotes and rattlesnakes at the Hanford Reservation due to contamination of the environment by nuclear waste. Granted that most of our nuclear waste and testing facilities are in deserts or in remote Pacific islands, but still how do we keep people from harming themselves through inadvertant exposure a thousand years hence. The Ukrainians have it worse. The area contaminated by Chernobyl is rapidly becoming a nature preserve and the wildlife and plants are thriving after adapting to the hard radiation. But animals and people dislike boundaries. Look at the ranchers complaining about bears and wolves from Yellowstone National Park. Make the bears and wolves and bison radioactive and you begin to comprehend the essence of the problem. Deer and wild boar make for good eating, but eating a highly radioactive animal isn't good for you in the long run. That is true for radioactive berries and other edible fruit as well. How are the Ukrainians going to explain to future generations to stay away from such a beautiful, thriving countryside after 2-3 generations?
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
To continue your thought, should be believe myths that scientifically make no sense to us?

Reminds me of a recent conversation with a parent about their grown children going hunting for deer and elk in northern states which had reported frequent cases of mad cow in the deer and elk. Smart hunters have their meat
tested before eating. What if you didn't know about the disease reports?
Good thoughts!
There is a case being protested right now in Simi Valley (outskirts of L.A.,Calif) by surrounding neighbors to an old
Rocketdyne test range where they had a nuclear melt down about 1959 and the ground was contaminated and left to appear as lovely hills. A big home building outfit now plans to build homes all over those hills. The city council believed the environmental report that all is okeydokey and there is no problem, BUT BUT when they start turning that soil, what will be happenning?? This is current
news being invesigated as we talk.
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