Wednesday, July 05, 2006


To see Oneself in another is Love. Some reflect that Love, that Oneness, back to me effortlessly. They are cherished. It should be this way with everyone one meets, but that does not appear to be the case. I have no answer for why this is, for why some are transparent to the Light and others are as Dark as a pitch black night. I do so love the Light.

There is one I am drawn to. We dance together from afar, but we are always together in spirit. Our friendship is practically effortless. We comfort one another. It's almost as if we are one Being at times. Other times, our distinct personalities and minds are almost a barrier. To bask in the Light, to just Be is a Joy! No expectations, just acceptance and love as we dance to and fro just as electrons dance on a phosphor screen and make light and colors.

When the Other hurts, I hurt. When the Other feels Joy, I feel Joy or want to. Mirror neurons, compassion, subconscious desire for wholeness or completeness, who knows? The sense of Oneness is palpable and real between us. I love the Other as myself, The Golden Rule. I'm finally understanding what it really means to love another. What the words, "I love you", profoundly and truly mean. What it means to love unconditionally.
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