Monday, November 07, 2005
Well, woke up in time to drive to a branch of the Credit Union and get a stop payment on the checks that were stolen. The wonderful lady suggested I get a new account, but I declined for now. I'll keep an eye on the account for any unusual checks. I probably should have followed her advice, but I'm hoping that the crooks are too lazy/cheap to spend the money for some new checks.
The cats are happy. Both seem to be sleeping now. Don't think there is such a thing as an unhappy cat. If there is, it's very fleeting in nature! Poor dogs! They are such nice creatures and so loving and people mess them up so bad. Fortunately, cats haven't put up with that crap as much as dogs have.
It's a very bright and sunny day! Will be unusually hot for November. Guess this drought will not break any time soon. Think I've made the right decision to see Kim Eng on Friday night. See
I must still watch my ego and its tricks. Will be nice to come in contact with a totally enlightened spirit. Should allow me to strengthen my own inner essence and break my mind's grip. Guess I'll see. In the meantime, time to go back to bed and get some sleep for a little while. It was a joy to correspond with Krissalee for a little today. She's an interesting lady and her blog is a joy to read! It will be nice when all this crap over sexuality and such is gone. Like Richard Pryor said, "Life is hard enough, without bringing up race!" I think the same holds true about gender and religion. We're all the same underneath. Blessings to Annie, Kat, Krissalee and Alana! Heck blessings to all the escorts! May you all find love and joy and bliss and happiness as well as Significant Others who love you for who you are and not what you do!
The cats are happy. Both seem to be sleeping now. Don't think there is such a thing as an unhappy cat. If there is, it's very fleeting in nature! Poor dogs! They are such nice creatures and so loving and people mess them up so bad. Fortunately, cats haven't put up with that crap as much as dogs have.
It's a very bright and sunny day! Will be unusually hot for November. Guess this drought will not break any time soon. Think I've made the right decision to see Kim Eng on Friday night. See
I must still watch my ego and its tricks. Will be nice to come in contact with a totally enlightened spirit. Should allow me to strengthen my own inner essence and break my mind's grip. Guess I'll see. In the meantime, time to go back to bed and get some sleep for a little while. It was a joy to correspond with Krissalee for a little today. She's an interesting lady and her blog is a joy to read! It will be nice when all this crap over sexuality and such is gone. Like Richard Pryor said, "Life is hard enough, without bringing up race!" I think the same holds true about gender and religion. We're all the same underneath. Blessings to Annie, Kat, Krissalee and Alana! Heck blessings to all the escorts! May you all find love and joy and bliss and happiness as well as Significant Others who love you for who you are and not what you do!