Tuesday, October 30, 2018
People are making a big deal out of the election. Vote Republican. Vote Democrat. You should vote for what's best for the country, your fellow citizens, and yourself, in that order. There's an old joke and I'll modify it now. What is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat? Answer: The name. Many of us voted for a Democrat in 2008 and he ran a Republican Administration. Many of us didn't vote for Hillary because she had the Democratic Party rig the primary election so that she would win and Bernie Sanders lose. But, there were other odious reasons as well. She ran an incompetent campaign for one. Truth is that you are generally voting for Republican Crony Capitalism whether you vote Republican or Democrat these days and it's been that way since Reagan probably, and Bill Clinton certainly. When you walk in to vote, vote for change, good change. Don't vote for hate or money. Vote for love, kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness.
We as a nation, as a people, and as a species have to change. If we don't, we will go extinct because things can't keep going the way they are going. If we don't limit our numbers and appetites, Nature will limit us, or we'll kill ourselves in a nuclear conflagration. This would be sad, because the Rapture is near. For some of us, the Rapture has happened already. A rapture is an intense joy due to the certainty that God exists and the experience of His Love for us. The Rapture is Humanity expressing that Joy and experiencing that Love collectively. Some would call it the Second Coming. The next evolutionary step of humans is psychological and spiritual. It is a change in perspective. We must make a choice though. We must choose, Life, Love, and God. The alternate choice is in front of us with a new Cold War despite the fact that the USSR is dead; Russia is a capitalist society, and so is China. This way lies Madness and Death. If you want proof, two weeks ago, a man walked into a consulate and didn't walk out, but our President has decided that that ally can do no wrong because there's too much money at stake.
So vote your heart this day, every day. Vote for Sanity and Love and Life.
Thursday, August 02, 2018
A Cheap, Safe Anti-Cancer Therapy Effective Against the Majority of Human Cancers
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor or a pharmacist. This is not a
medical prescription. I am a former molecular biologist with prostate
cancer and a variation of this cocktail is killing my prostate cancer.
I am not endorsing any company or product either. I am only telling
you from my experience and knowledge what will work. Do not stop any
cancer treatment you are currently on. What you may want to do is
supplement it with this one.
This should be an effective over-the-counter combinatorial
chemotherapy regime for the majority of cancers. There are caveats. I
will list the ingredients and dosages first:
Drug or Supplement Daily Dosage
Aspirin 2 350mg pills
Resveratrol 2 500mg pills
Quercetin 2 500mg pills
ECGC (green tea extract) 2 500mg pills
Indole-3-carbinol 2 200mg pills
Sodium dichloroacetate 2 grams powder or pills (available at dcacancer.org or
Take 2 grams of the DCA once per day for 2-3 weeks. Mix the powder with water and
drink it. Except for sodium dichloroaceate and aspirin, the effective
optimum dosage of the other ingredients is unknown. However, after 1-2
weeks, your body should be saturated anyway. You should discontinue
taking the sodium dichloroacetate (DCA) after 2-3 weeks for a period
of 2-4 weeks* because the sodium dichloroacetate induces peripheral
neuropathy. The neuropathy will take affect much sooner with this dosage,
but it is more effective. Discontinue taking the DCA immediately if you
taking the other ingredients as they will not cause any harm to your system.
After 2-4 weeks or longer, start taking the DCA again unless the DCA is causing
tremors in your hands and fingers. You may have to find the dosage that
works for you and your cancer. You have to go off the DCA with this mix
periodically so that your nerves can heal. You can take the other ingredients
For cancer prevention, take the first 4-5 ingredients daily with the mitoQ supplement (mitoq.com). Your mileage may vary.
The reasoning is complex due to molecular biological reasons, but the
research is very sound. The short answer to why this works is
1. The DCA inhibits aerobic glycolysis to an extent which is the
energy supply of the cancer cells thereby starving them. It turns on
the mitochondria which sense something is amiss and signal the cell to
commit suicide.2. Quercetin and resveratrol make the cells think they are starving
and promote autophagy. This mimics caloric restriction which has been
proven to extend lifespan in many organisms from yeast to mammals
including primates.
3. Aspirin is known to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancers
possibly by COX2 inhibition or other mechanisms.
4. Quercetin and sulforaphane together have been shown to have an
enhanced ability to kill pancreatic cancer stem cells in vitro.
5. Aspirin and resveratrol together have been shown to have an
enhanced ability to kill abnormal tetraploid cells, especially
abnormal cells derived from the gut. For cancers to spread, they
usually have to have multiple chromosomes, a state called aneuploidy,
as one of the conditions. Once cancer cells spread, the condition is
usually terminal.
The sodium dichloroacetate is the main actor in killing the cancer. It
can kill most cancers by itself alone. However, the quercetin
will likely enhance its effectiveness many times over.
The aspirin and resveratrol will kill any cells that have multiple
chromosomes thereby making it less likely the cancer will spread if it
is localized. The latter four compounds will likely kill most cancer
cells on their own, or at least slow their growth to a significant
extent through induction of autophagy. What we are doing here is very
simple. We are killing cancer cells by hitting molecular targets at
multiple sites. If we just use one drug, like sodium dichloroacetate,
we will be selecting for survivors. We are hitting cancer cells in up
to five different places, so the likelihood of any survivors, is
effectively zero. This is why chemotherapy consists of two or more
drugs. Doctors learned the hard way that trying to kill cancer with
one drug is usually futile with fatal results for their patients.
1. There has been no clinical trials of this regime and there never
will be in the United States or any other advanced country. So, I only
have the medical literature and my own experience to go on.
2. With certain advanced cancers like pancreatic cancer, the chances
of this regime being completely effective are unknown. By the time one
is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the person is at a terminal
advanced stage. The problem with pancreatic cancer is that the
cachexia (wasting) weakens them to the point that traditional
chemotherapy is ineffective. The cachexia is due to cancer-induced
methionine starvation. That said, the latest medical research suggests
that quercetin and sulforaphane together effectively kill pancreatic
cancer stem cells.
* This is a guesstimate. I have mild DCA-induced neuropathy and I just
went off DCA after three months use. It is supposed to be reversible.
But, this neuropathy is not a bad side effect compared to the effects
of traditional chemotherapy which are pretty brutal.
This protocol cannot be patented, but it is effective. It does work because it
has controlled my cancer for over two years.
The aspirin and resveratrol will kill any cells that have multiple
chromosomes thereby making it less likely the cancer will spread if it
is localized. The latter four compounds will likely kill most cancer
cells on their own, or at least slow their growth to a significant
extent through induction of autophagy. What we are doing here is very
simple. We are killing cancer cells by hitting molecular targets at
multiple sites. If we just use one drug, like sodium dichloroacetate,
we will be selecting for survivors. We are hitting cancer cells in up
to five different places, so the likelihood of any survivors, is
effectively zero. This is why chemotherapy consists of two or more
drugs. Doctors learned the hard way that trying to kill cancer with
one drug is usually futile with fatal results for their patients.
1. There has been no clinical trials of this regime and there never
will be in the United States or any other advanced country. So, I only
have the medical literature and my own experience to go on.
2. With certain advanced cancers like pancreatic cancer, the chances
of this regime being completely effective are unknown. By the time one
is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the person is at a terminal
advanced stage. The problem with pancreatic cancer is that the
cachexia (wasting) weakens them to the point that traditional
chemotherapy is ineffective. The cachexia is due to cancer-induced
methionine starvation. That said, the latest medical research suggests
that quercetin and sulforaphane together effectively kill pancreatic
cancer stem cells.
* This is a guesstimate. I have mild DCA-induced neuropathy and I just
went off DCA after three months use. It is supposed to be reversible.
But, this neuropathy is not a bad side effect compared to the effects
of traditional chemotherapy which are pretty brutal.
This protocol cannot be patented, but it is effective. It does work because it
has controlled my cancer for over two years.

Monday, September 14, 2015
Changing the Kali Linux 2.0 Default Password
I could not find this documented. There is a script in /lib/live/config called 0031-root-password. It invokes the usermod command:
usermod -p ‘X014elvznJq7E’ root
which needs to be commented out and the filesystem compressed using mksquashfs. There is likely another way as well, but I have not searched for it.
usermod -p ‘X014elvznJq7E’ root
which needs to be commented out and the filesystem compressed using mksquashfs. There is likely another way as well, but I have not searched for it.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
No KDE Display Manager (kdm) on RHEL7 and clones
Red Hat considers kdm to be dead. If you are trying to build a minimal installation, you'll have to substitute ldm (light display manager) for gdm. Go to rpmfind.net or one of the other repositories and download the following files:
Then, run the following commands:
rpm -i --force desktop-backgrounds-compat*.rpm heisenbug*.rpm
yum localinstall lightdm-1.8.8*.rpm lightdm-gobject-1.8.8-1*.rpm lightdm-gtk-1.6.1-3*.rpm
systemctl disable gdm.service
systemctl enable lightdm.service
If you miss the default background, you can do this:
rpm -i --force centos-logos-70.0.6-1.el7.rpm
Monday, May 05, 2014
Fixing and Compiling OpenSSL on Ubuntu 14.04
I have been reading OpenSSL Valhalla Rampage almost daily since it was started. I began to wonder if I could incorporate some of their fixes into OpenSSL. I also wondered just how buggy OpenSSL really was. I went to openssl.org and downloaded the latest tarball. I unpacked it. Since I had clang installed and it has a static source code analyzer, I changed directories into the unpacked openssl-1.0.1g directory and ran the following command:
scan-build -o /home/jbmoore/openssl-bugs make -j4
The o option tells scan-build where to send its output. Upon completion, you are given a command to run:
scan-view /home/jbmoore/openssl-bugs/2014-05-04-181351-14781-1
which displays the results in a browser.
I then modified the source files based on code snippets from OpenSSL Valhalla Rampage. I reran the scanner to see if some of the bugs disappeared and they had. When I tried to compile my changes with make test and make install, I got a linker error:
../libcrypto.a(v3_alt.o):v3_alt.c:(.text+0x2478): more undefined references to `strlcpy' follow collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status.
I tried various things, but in the end, I had to be missing a library. Since Ubuntu 14.04 does not have ia32-libs, I went and downloaded the package ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb from the Precise repository and installed it with dpkg:
dpkg -i ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb
which will fail. That result is fine because I knew it would fail a dependency check. I then ran apt-get -f install which installed all dependencies. There were a lot, 30-40 or more 32-bit libraries installed. By the time I had done this, I had downloaded the original Ubuntu source package, openssl-1.0.1f and modified it. So, the quick and dirty way is:
1. install ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb, then
2. apt-get source openssl, followed by
3. apt-get build-dep openssl,
4. modify the openssl source code using hints from the libressl project, and
5. apt-get -b source openssl.
You can run scan-build before and after you compile the debian packages to see how many bugs you've eliminated. This bug fix just shifted the segmentation fault from openssl to a glibc library function which tells me that glibc probably needs fixing as well. The openssl crash is triggered by the following code:
sudo echo ZW5jb2RlIG1lCg================================================================== | openssl enc -d -base64
This bug has been known for three years, and until now, it was not fixed. Kudos to the openBSD developers. I wish I knew a more elegant way to determine which library is missing, but I am still ignorant at this time. This framework will allow you to at least follow along with the libressl developers and give you an idea how to find and fix bugs in Linux programs. I should add that to do it properly, you should be making changes using either subversion or git. I just was curious about how difficult it would be. It is not really that hard provided you have all the 32-bit libraries you need to compile the openssl and libssl packages.
scan-build -o /home/jbmoore/openssl-bugs make -j4
The o option tells scan-build where to send its output. Upon completion, you are given a command to run:
scan-view /home/jbmoore/openssl-bugs/2014-05-04-181351-14781-1
which displays the results in a browser.
I then modified the source files based on code snippets from OpenSSL Valhalla Rampage. I reran the scanner to see if some of the bugs disappeared and they had. When I tried to compile my changes with make test and make install, I got a linker error:
../libcrypto.a(v3_alt.o):v3_alt.c:(.text+0x2478): more undefined references to `strlcpy' follow collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status.
I tried various things, but in the end, I had to be missing a library. Since Ubuntu 14.04 does not have ia32-libs, I went and downloaded the package ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb from the Precise repository and installed it with dpkg:
dpkg -i ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb
which will fail. That result is fine because I knew it would fail a dependency check. I then ran apt-get -f install which installed all dependencies. There were a lot, 30-40 or more 32-bit libraries installed. By the time I had done this, I had downloaded the original Ubuntu source package, openssl-1.0.1f and modified it. So, the quick and dirty way is:
1. install ia32-libs-multiarch_20090808ubuntu36_i386.deb, then
2. apt-get source openssl, followed by
3. apt-get build-dep openssl,
4. modify the openssl source code using hints from the libressl project, and
5. apt-get -b source openssl.
You can run scan-build before and after you compile the debian packages to see how many bugs you've eliminated. This bug fix just shifted the segmentation fault from openssl to a glibc library function which tells me that glibc probably needs fixing as well. The openssl crash is triggered by the following code:
sudo echo ZW5jb2RlIG1lCg================================================================== | openssl enc -d -base64
This bug has been known for three years, and until now, it was not fixed. Kudos to the openBSD developers. I wish I knew a more elegant way to determine which library is missing, but I am still ignorant at this time. This framework will allow you to at least follow along with the libressl developers and give you an idea how to find and fix bugs in Linux programs. I should add that to do it properly, you should be making changes using either subversion or git. I just was curious about how difficult it would be. It is not really that hard provided you have all the 32-bit libraries you need to compile the openssl and libssl packages.
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Economists Were Told Five Years Before the GFC That It Would Happen
When you read in a paper or hear someone state that nobody knew the financial world was going to explode in 2008, they are either misinformed or a liar. William White, a central banker warned them for over five years that there was trouble brewing and that it should be stopped. They refused to believe him and replied that he didn't have any model to back up his analysis.
The painting is not the object of the painting. An economic model is not the thing being modeled. It is at best a very good approximation, and at worst, a terrible fantasy. Models have to be proven by evidence. Evidence is used to explain models as well. Evidence can exist without a model or narrative. But, models do not exist without evidence, except in economics and other forms of pseudo science. William White says that central bankers are making it up as they go and they can't even agree on what needs to be done. The funny thing is that none of them have lost their salaries or careers for ignoring clear warnings of imminent failure of their governance and policies. They've all failed upwards. May be we should make them all swear to "Do no harm" and put claw back clauses in their employment contracts in case they fail at their jobs. Of course, that would work for politicians and investment bankers as well.
The painting is not the object of the painting. An economic model is not the thing being modeled. It is at best a very good approximation, and at worst, a terrible fantasy. Models have to be proven by evidence. Evidence is used to explain models as well. Evidence can exist without a model or narrative. But, models do not exist without evidence, except in economics and other forms of pseudo science. William White says that central bankers are making it up as they go and they can't even agree on what needs to be done. The funny thing is that none of them have lost their salaries or careers for ignoring clear warnings of imminent failure of their governance and policies. They've all failed upwards. May be we should make them all swear to "Do no harm" and put claw back clauses in their employment contracts in case they fail at their jobs. Of course, that would work for politicians and investment bankers as well.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Bug in RHEL6 and clones /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch anacron script Date::Manip error
I saw the following error in root's mail on a server:
ERROR: Date::Manip unable to determine TimeZone.
Execute the following command in a shell prompt:
perldoc Date::Manip
The section titled TIMEZONES describes valid TimeZones
and where they can be defined.
The error is due to the logwatch.pl script itself. The solution is to add the following line to /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch:
Why is Red Hat sending out an OS with a broken cron script?
With logwatch working, you then discover a missing gnome keyring library file.
You can find what package has that file using yum provides:
yum provides /lib64/security/pam_gnome_keyring.so
Install the following package to fix those PAM errors.
yum install gnome-keyring-pam-2.28.2-8.el6_3.x86_64
ERROR: Date::Manip unable to determine TimeZone.
Execute the following command in a shell prompt:
perldoc Date::Manip
The section titled TIMEZONES describes valid TimeZones
and where they can be defined.
The error is due to the logwatch.pl script itself. The solution is to add the following line to /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch:
I found the solution here.
Why is Red Hat sending out an OS with a broken cron script?
With logwatch working, you then discover a missing gnome keyring library file.
You can find what package has that file using yum provides:
yum provides /lib64/security/pam_gnome_keyring.so
Install the following package to fix those PAM errors.
yum install gnome-keyring-pam-2.28.2-8.el6_3.x86_64